command&control  for Plug&Play USB applications


Furthermore, our table microphones support you with high volume and clear audio for best hearing and a very high vertical stability for best usability.

The handset HS3, our remote speaker Aurelis, the wireless solution with our AirTalk headset series and our hand microphone HT2 round our portfolio off to have an ideal solution for nearly every situation in today’s control rooms.

Large Application Areas

In today’s emergency control rooms, 911 centres or any other dispatcher rooms, comfortable and reliable communication is the most important part for any user.

The Imtradex USB product portfolio offer easy to use opportunities with different choices of PTT buttons, headsets, handsets and microphones. The headsets are monaural and binaural, available. The long gooseneck microphone with our outstanding noise cancellation also supports in noisy situations.


Our customers are convinced of our high reliability starting with a stable and unique firmware (incl. serial numbers), a very high comfort of our PTT buttons, and our reliable headsets and other devices.

The products, especially our headsets of the AirTalk® series, are built of very durable and lightweight material to support long hours of work, while still be comfortable. The headsets are available in a monaural or binaural version with long gooseneck noise-cancelling microphones for best transmission even in busy and loud areas.



Here you have the possibility to download our USB brochure.

If you are interested in the products or applications of IMTRADEX please do not hesitate to contact our staff at any time.

Portfolio USB (en)

512.52 KB



overview of the available Imtradex USB devices and instructions for installing these devices on and interface them with your Windows system.

User Guide USB (en)

1.46 MB


Headsets USB

  • AirTalk® 5000 XD

    The new binaural Headset for ATC The new AirTalk [...]

  • AirTalk® 5000 XS

    The new monaural headset for ATC The [...]

  • AirTalk® XS

    Lightweight headset for air traffic control – used world [...]

  • AirTalk® XD

    Lightweight headset for air traffic control – used world [...]

  • AirTalk® NBS USB

    The light weight monaural neckband headset for use with [...]

  • AirTalk® NBD

    The light weight binaural neckband headset  One [...]

  • AirTalk® XSN USB

    The light monaural neck band headset for the range [...]

PTT Buttons USB

  • PTT Button PTT-13 VC

    Our ergonomic Push-To-Talk button for use in control rooms [...]

  • PTT Button PTT-13

    Our ergonomic Push-To-Talk button for use in control rooms [...]

  • PTT Button PTT-19

    The ergonomic Push-To-Talk button for use in control rooms [...]

  • PTT Button PTT-19 dual

    Our Push-To-Talk button PTT-19 Dual is an [...]

Handsets and table microphones

  • Desk microphone TM3

    Desk microphone with a high class premium loudspeaker [...]

  • Desk microphone TM2-LS

    The desk microphone is suitable for use in control [...]

  • Desk microphone TM2

    The desk microphone TM2 is suitable for use in [...]

  • Hand Microphone HT2

    Especially designed for operations in operation centers [...]

  • Handset HS3

    Ergonomic handset for use in the control center [...]

Aurelis USB

  • Aurelis USB

    The remote speaker microphone Aurelis series offers a big [...]

Wireless System

  • WL DECT 2

    Wireless communication solution on DECT standard The [...]

  • WL DECT 2 Dual

    Wireless communication solution on DECT standard The [...]

  • AirTalk® 5000 XS WL

    The new monaural headset for the ATC sector [...]

  • AirTalk® 5000 XD WL

    The new binaural headset for the ATC sector [...]

Accessories USB

  • DRC Pro

    The problem solver for frequent caller with the dynamic [...]

  • AK5-USB

    USB audio processor for crystal clear communication in UC [...]

  • AK4-USB

    USB-A audio adapter for crystal clear communication in UC [...]

  • NoiseHelper

    The noise traffic light for daily use in the [...]