Overview of National and International Cooperations
abel&käufl, with its division elw-tec, is one of the leading specialized companies for PMR communication in Germany. Since 1995, abel&käufl has been offering a wide range of professional communication solutions and services for industry & commerce, public institutions and public safety. The successful partnership with Imtradex was intensified with the joint edition of the headset series “elw-tec Pro-Headsets for LARDIS”.
The purpose of the association Förderkreis Deutsches Heer e.V. (FKH) (German Army Support Association) is to bring together the relevant forces from politics, society, business and the Bundeswehr who see themselves as having a special responsibility for the land forces that are the focus of joint and multinational operations.
The Fachverband Leitstellen e.V. (Association of Control Centres) serves the supra-regional exchange of experience between its members and the development, promotion and evaluation of organisational concepts. The Fachverband Leitstellen e.V. intensifies cooperation and exchange with professional societies and supports scientific work in control centres.